Thursday, October 25, 2007

Day 14

Tonight at 6pm signals eactly 2 weeks of not eating. I feel kind of sluggish today. Dove into my bible last night but what I ot out of it:

  • Seek wisdom and knowledge, they're most important and will lead to a prosperous life.
  • Keep God in mind pertaining to everything.

So. The first one pertains to knowledge and wisdom in general, but also that I should read the Bible more. ANd the second, clearly haven't been including God in all aspects of my life.

Scale: 145.6. I've decided I want to be signed with Ford Atlanta, and get the Abercrombie campaign. Those are my goals for this year. :)

As of tomorrow I'm going to start adding ACV, Cranberry Juice, Flaxseed Oil, and Lemon Juice to my fast. They're "fat flushers" and I'm going to try and do 45-1hour of cardio per day (cardio being walking on the treadmill at a slow pace without any resistance.)

34-26-38 WHOMP WHOMP. If my butt would just go away!

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